Original Jigsaw Puzzle

The best gift

What size should the image be?

This is the chart for image size requirements. If your image size is close, we will adjust if during production. If the image size is too different, we will contact you.

Puzzle size(inch) 推奨画素数 必要画素数
L(11.2*15.7) 2900*2080px 1150*825px
M(8.2*11.2) 2100*1550px 820*605px
S(5*6.9) 1275*925px 510*370px

Can you make a puzzle from images taken with my phone?

Yes. Please make sure that you set your camera to the largest image size.

Do you have any tips on what picture to choose?

What type of image file should I send?

We are compatible with JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, EPS, TIFF, PICT, Photoshop, & Illustrator.

When will I receive my product?

We will send out your puzzle within 10 days after we receive payment and picture. If you need it in a hurry, please let us know. We will do our best.

What methods of payment do you take?

We only take PayPal for payment.

How much is shipping cost?

For anywhere in the United States, it is $_______for shipping from Japan.

How can we keep the jigsaw puzzle in good condition?

Please use the glue that is included with the puzzle. It will keep its shine and the pieces connected will be hard to break.
paste image

Can you send the puzzle in pieces?

Yes. The price is the same. Please note you want it in pieces in the comment box.[ Sample ]

Can we write on the puzzle?

You can use a permanent marker on your puzzle to write on it.

How will it be sent if I order gift wrapping?

It will be in a gift bag. (The color of bags may be different than shown.)

Wrapping image

Can I include a message directly on the puzzle?

Yes. When ordering, choose the "Image Processing" and write in the comment box the message, color, and placement of message that you would like printed on your puzzle.

Can you put multiple pictures into one puzzle?

Yes. When ordering, choose the "Image Processing" and tell us the placement of the pictures.

How do you make the puzzles?

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